Redesigning what’s possible in a Well-Child Care Visit…

What is PARENT?

The PARENT (Parent-focused Redesign for Encounters, Newborns to Toddlers) Intervention is a model for well-child care (WCC) that adds a community health worker called a “Parent Coach” into well-child care visits to provide preventive care services. PARENT provides both meaningful and lasting solutions to the current gaps in care experienced by low-income families under the traditional model of pediatric care visits.

PARENT Improves Well-Child

Care by Utilizing …

Studies show that Parents receiving the PARENT model of care are more likely to…

Report receiving needed guidance and education on a range of parenting issues at visits

Stay up to date on well-child care visits

Receive a full assessment of their family social and psychosocial needs

Have their developmental and behavioral concerns heard and addressed

Report having helpful discussions with their well-child care team


Read more about the vital role and impact that Parent Coaches have on families through Rosa’s story

Find out where PARENT has been and where we are going

Tacoma, Washington

Duarte, California

Compton, California

Columbus, Ohio

10 Federally Qualified Health Center sites. 2 Medicaid-focused practices. 3 studies.1000+ families

(Find out more about our previous and current studies, by clicking on the locations below.)