Previous Studies

The Pilot PARENT study

June 2013 - February 2016

Compton and Duarte, California

A randomized controlled trial of PARENT’s impact on low-income families.

The initial PARENT study examined the effects of the newly developed PARENT model for WCC (well-child care) visits by comparing outcomes in 251 families, with children less than 12 months old at baseline, at 2 distinct practices randomized to receive either the traditional WCC care model or the PARENT intervention.

The PARENT Model @ FQHCs

March 2019 - July 2022

Los Angeles, California

Tacoma, Washington

A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of PARENT.

This study examined the effectiveness of PARENT in partnership with 10 clinical sites of two FQHCs (Federal Qualified Health Centers) using a cluster randomized controlled trial. We enrolled 937 families with children less than 12 months old into the trial.

Study Aims

WCC Redesign and PARENT Publications

Well-Child Care Redesign

PARENT Intervention