Training Task

Families complete a number of screening forms for WCC visits. As a PARENT Coach, or Early Childhood WCC Community Health Worker, you will be part of the screening process, working with your larger team. Below, you will find several resources to help you become familiar with the screenings that are a part of well-child care visits in early childhood.

The American Academy of Pediatrics created a “Screening Tool Finder” for individuals to familiarize themselves with the Screening Tools that are provided to families they work with.

Navigate through “The Screening Tool Finder” website and find the Screening Forms that are used by your home clinic. Then, click on the link to review and learn about that tool. Find a screening tool that your clinic uses for:

  • Developmental screening

  • Social needs screening

  • Socio-emotional screening

  • Autism screening

  • Perinatal depression screening

There are also some videos and materials to review to help you become familiar with the process and rationale for screening.

Learning Objective

  1. Learn about screening for development, perinatal depression, social needs, autism, and social-emotional health.

  2. Be familiar with the tools used in your clinic for each of these screenings.


120 minutes